Our Chiropractic Technique in Reading PA

At Core Health Chiropractic, we use an adjusting style commonly referred to as “Diversified”. Our Reading PA chiropractors are so excited to partner with the families in our community to change the way we think about our health.
What To Expect From Our Reading PA Chiropractic Clinic
Firstly, an analysis of your spine is performed. Generally, this can initially involve a case history and X-ray pictures of your spine.
Subsequent visits may include motion palpation, neurological assessment, and functional movement assessment.
Finally, with the malposition of one or more spinal bones identified, a specific manual thrust is administered either by hand, using an instrument, or a drop table.
8 Steps to Health
Presently, our chiropractic office uses state-of-the-art technology to provide every practice member the specific scientific chiropractic care they deserve, so you can reach your optimal health level.

Step 1: New Member Application
All of our new practice members are required to fill out a health assessment worksheet prior to starting care so we can learn about any past traumas or risk factors you might have.

Step 2: Chiropractic Office Tour
One of our staff members will take you on an educational tour of our office to you and your family will feel at home whenever you are here.

Step 3: One-on-One Consultation
The doctor will discuss any health concerns you have, and any pertinent information we found on your health assessment worksheet will be brought up—past accidents, injuries, or health problems.

Step 4: Scientific Chiropractic Assessment
We will perform a full muscle and nervous system assessment using N.A.S.A. published SPACE certified technology. This tells us where there may be neurological interference in your spine, and the severity of it.

Step 5: X-Rays & Postural Exam
If we feel they are necessary, we will take x-rays, followed by a postural exam using the most recent state-of-the-art technology available. This provides an in-depth look at your spine, pelvis, and muscular system, and allows us to determine what type of care is best for you.

Step 6: Principled Doctor’s Report
The principled doctor’s report is held in a group setting. We will spend about 30 minutes educating you on how your body works, and we will discuss the three T’s of subluxation. Please bring your family or close friend to this meeting—it’s very educational.

Step 7: Report of Findings and Care Plan
After the doctor has thoroughly evaluated all of the results from your specific scientific chiropractic assessment, x-rays, and postural exam, he will discuss the personalized corrective care plan that has been written for you. He will also discuss the different payment options which are offered.

Step 8: The Chiropractic Adjustment
This is what you have been waiting for… Your first specific scientific chiropractic adjustment!
7:00am - 7:00pm
9:00am - 7:00pm
7:00am - 7:00pm
9:00am - 6:00pm
8:15am - 1:00pm
By Appointment Only
By Appointment Only
Core Health Chiropractic
1057 Van Reed Rd
Reading, PA 19605