What kind of exercise, if any is safe for the expectant mom? With warnings and restrictions posted everywhere from airlines to amusement rides, moms-to-be aren’t exactly motivated to put their baby’s safety at risk in the name of exercise. The prevalence...
I live by the motto “fed baby is best”. That being said I am a strong advocate of breastfeeding. There are tons of brands and breastfeeding pillow models for sale depending on what you prefer. I personally used My Brest Friend Twin Sized Nursing Pillow with my twins....
The NoseFrida is a Creative Product to Help with a Baby’s Stuffy Nose This thing, this piece of beautiful blue plastic will be your best friend come your baby’s first stuffy nose. The thing about babies is that they can’t blow their noses, go figure. So when...
WOW. THIS IS INCREDIBLE...you guys are the real deal! <3. ALL AROUND GOOD HEALTH!!!
Hi - I'm 57 yrs old with Spondylolisthesis and am seeing a spine doctor for it and have arthritis too.…
Good stuff! Thank you!
Thank you so much for these!