So far, we’ve learned a lot about brain development, and we know that at birth the brain isn’t fully developed. We know that it is important for a child to move through the trajectory of brain development in a hierarchical manner, starting with primitive reflexes, moving to movement and touch, then auditory and verbal skills and finally ending with visual cognition. We learned that as we go through this trajectory, we gain new and more efficient tools which provides us with the ability to engage and connect with our world more efficiently.
So, what is it that can change the way our brain is processing information? When we have too much stress, one thing that can change is something called neuro structural shifting, or subluxations. This occurs anywhere in the spine or cranium. When we have subluxations, that changes the way in which input is going to our brains, which can in turn alter the way we are moving through the trajectory of brain development.
The gut is another area that can impact the brain. Did you know that many of the chemicals that are made in the brain, are also made in the gut?! That’s why the gut is known as the second brain! The gut and brain are so closely related and intertwined so it’s important for us to look at gut health as well.
Sometimes, by looking at and addressing these two areas (subluxations and gut health) alone, we are able to remove some roadblocks or stressors that may be impacting development and we might see some of those deflections decrease, or even disappear. However, sometimes, we need to dive a bit deeper and provide specific strategies like body movements, eye movements and cognitive games to facilitate further development.
Again, there is a reason for all behavior, and it’s our job to understand where that person is at on the brains developmental trajectory, and figure out what strategies we can use to help facilitate healthy brain development.
Take a listen to learn more or check out our previous video here!
WOW. THIS IS guys are the real deal! <3. ALL AROUND GOOD HEALTH!!!
Hi - I'm 57 yrs old with Spondylolisthesis and am seeing a spine doctor for it and have arthritis too.…
Good stuff! Thank you!
Thank you so much for these!