Discover the secrets of effective pediatric occupational therapy exercises for children. From therapeutic swings to obstacle courses, these exercises will improve your child’s sensory integration, coordination, and motor skills. Find out how activities like...
Up until this point, this list has mainly consisted of toys and activities for your child, which is great! But, we also want you to know that we see you, and we are here for you too! So, we’ve created a list of parent gifts and resources that may be helpful to you....
Emotional regulation is the process in which one identifies emotions, and reacts to those emotions. Emotional regulation typically develops around age five. Before a child can emotionally regulate on his or her own, they must first experience something we call...
The sensory system is an intricate system that actually includes a few different systems: tactile, auditory, olfactory, visual, gustatory, vestibular, proprioceptive, and interoceptive systems. The purpose of these systems is to help our body process the things around...
Using your hands to pick up objects, open a Ziplock bag, lock the door, write your name, and feed yourself are all part of fine motor skills. Fine motor skills start to develop during infancy and continue to be refined as a child grows. Sometimes, delays in fine motor...
Gross motor skills help us to stand, sit, walk, crawl, and stabilize oneself to perform everyday tasks and functions. Tummy time, rolling, crawling, and exploring the environment as an infant starts the process of developing these skills in infancy. As a child grows,...
WOW. THIS IS guys are the real deal! <3. ALL AROUND GOOD HEALTH!!!
Hi - I'm 57 yrs old with Spondylolisthesis and am seeing a spine doctor for it and have arthritis too.…
Good stuff! Thank you!
Thank you so much for these!