Bisphenol A, or BPA, is a synthetic chemical used in plastics such as disposable food containers, reusable water bottles, and medical equipment. BPA is also found in the coating used on aluminum cans which means canned foods and drinks can also be a source of this... Your body can do some amazing things and a built-in warning system is one of the most important! We all have smoke and carbon monoxide detectors in our homes to warn us of danger and allow us to take the necessary action to keep our...
Plagiocephaly (a flattened skull on one side) or Brachycephaly (symmetrical flattening) affects approximately 20% of infants, and has become more common since parents and doctors started reacting to SIDS risks by placing babies on their backs for extended periods of...
A symposium at the University of Notre Dame recently presented some interesting correlations between modern parenting behaviors and effects on brain and emotional development of their children. When compared with previous studies, some current modern parenting trends...
What kind of exercise, if any is safe for the expectant mom? With warnings and restrictions posted everywhere from airlines to amusement rides, moms-to-be aren’t exactly motivated to put their baby’s safety at risk in the name of exercise. The prevalence...
WOW. THIS IS guys are the real deal! <3. ALL AROUND GOOD HEALTH!!!
Hi - I'm 57 yrs old with Spondylolisthesis and am seeing a spine doctor for it and have arthritis too.…
Good stuff! Thank you!
Thank you so much for these!